Day 15

Friday, Febuary 18, 2000

I had a bit of good luck today. One of the guys at work has hooked me up with a ticket for the April 29th KISS concert here in town. I'll be long gone from jail by then, and should be moved back to my hometown, roughly 200 miles away. I'd like to go anyway. This is supposed to be their last tour ever, and I've kicked myself in the pants for not seeing other bands live before they disbanded, so I want to see KISS, one of the greatest Rock and Roll bands of all time. Here's an opportunity to go to s kick ass concert with two friends from work. After all, what could be better?

Then I found out what could be better. If I want, I can WORK the KISS concert in my hometown, getting paid between $9-12 an hour, setting up and breaking down the sound equipment, therefore getting me free access to the show, an all access backstage pass, and usually a t-shirt with the band's tour logo and "CREW" printed somewhere on it. These make wonderful keepsakes. Not to mention a paycheck for a 10 - 15 hour day.

I'd love to do both, but unfortunately, I can't since the one here is April 29 and the one in my hometown is April 30. That would mean I'd have to get out of the concert here at around 11:00 pm (midnight in my hometown due to the timezone change), then drive home (roughly 3 hours), and be at work at the Arena at 6:00 AM for the load in. There's no way I can do both. I'd rather do the one at home so I can work it, but if not I'll go with the guys from work, unless there are some of my friends back home going. We'll have to see.

I'd love to add KISS to the collection of backstage passes I've accumulated over the years. When my two year old was just born, I had to work three jobs to make ends meet, one of which was being a stage hand for these shows. I worked with Elton John, The Allman Brothers, Santana, Prince, Buddy Guy, Matchbox 20, Creed, Eric Clapton, Alan Jackson, Clay Walker, and many, many more. I missed the Rolling Stones and AC/DC, and I'd have to miss the opportunity to work a KISS show.

In a totally unrelated story, my wife informs me that my website address has been published in our church online newsletter. Thankfully it's my OTHER one, not the one from jail. The problem is that not all the content in that one is appropriate for the general congregation of the church to read, but at least it's not too bad. I lead a pretty "normal" life, and the site doesn't have any content I'm going to be excommunicated for. Regerdless of content, many church members have been reading my online journal and are quite facinated. I've already started receiving e-mails. Sigh.

I think it all started when my daughter was born in January. I created a website with pictures from the hospital and e-mailed the URL to family and friends. I also e-mailed it to the church to be posted in the online newsletter. After about a month I added the page to my journal, and added to the page a link BACK to the journal. I figured the church family had seen it and gone by now. Nope. The Reverend just recently checked the e-mail and found the one from me, and posted it last week in the online newsletter. this week, every chirch member on the web has surfed right into my OLJ. Oh well. If I didn't want people to read, I shouldn't keep an online journal.

I know I didn't say anything bad about any of them, and as least I didn't link to the Jailbird Journal. Some things you don't want the church to know...

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