Well, here's the deal. For the first time in the 21 days I've been doing this journal, I left the entry I wrote out last night on my notepad safely tucked away in my property tub beneath my bunk. SO I'll try to wing what I can, otherwise I'll make up new stuff - I might add the other stuff on Monday.
Let me take this opportunity to mention HOW I'm doing this. I've mentioned bits and pieces along the way, but never really sat down and explained the process. Since I've been recieving e-mail recently about this journal, I've been asked several times. Here's the jist of it:
I am sentenced to 55 days in jail with a conditional Work Release, which allows me to go to my job. I work Mon - Fri 8:30 to 5:30, so they let me out form 7:30 to 6:30, giving me an hour drive time each way. I am a computer tech, so I know how to build web pages, and at work I have access to a computer, the internet, and therefore my e-mail accounts. I personally use a different ISP at home, but I can't access that e-mail account from a remote location. Since I could access AOL from work, I created an AOL e-mail address for this site. Using that e-mailaddress, I created a tripod site, and sorry about the pop-up boxes. During the two weeks between my conviction and report date (Jan 20 - Feb 4), I created the site, using largely the code from my other journal as a template for this one. I got the navbar buttons from a friend at work, customized them in Photoshop 5.5, created the logo in Photoshop 5.5, and wrote the Javascript and HTML. Bing, Bam, Boom! The Jailbird Journal is born!
Since I don't work on the weekend, there will be no updates on Saturday or Sunday. You'll have to look at Thursday's entry until Monday morning, since I don't write a day's entry until bed time of that night. Unless I do something special to entertain you for the weekend, which is difficult considering my schedule and surroundings.
Here's a little treat - my parents mailed me a couple of pictures they took of the house they looked at back home. I mentioned it in the Day 18 entry. After seeing the pictures and having read the description and specs for over a week, Jeanne is lovin' this house. I'l kinda nervous because My mom said it has a small kitchen with little cabinet space and counter area. This affects me greatly - I am a cullinarian when it comes to kitchen space. When I throw together a gourmet meal, I require a lot of room to make a huge mess. I also have tons of kitchen goodies I have to put somewhere. Crock Pot, Stockpot, Vegitable Steamer, Deep Frier, Food Processor, Breadmaker, Electric Skillet, Electric Griddle, Four-slot Toaster, Spice Rack, Wine Rack, Canisters, Mixing Bowls, Scales, a library of cookbooks, and a TON of various pots, pans, skillets, etc, etc, etc...Well, see for yourself:
Here's the pictures of the house that Dad sent:
Considering a picture is worth a thousand words, This is my longest entry by a landslide. Have a nice weekend...
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